4 More Uses of Cross-Case Analytics 

In our previous post 3 Ways Clients Use Rampiva Automate Dashboards we identified the most common ways teams were using metrics from Rampiva Automate to improve their reporting and operations.

Those were sort of table stakes—aggregating processing reports across Cases, billing and matter management, and case tracking. Most teams do something like these already, and Rampiva Automate makes it easier.

But…what ELSE can you do with metrics from Rampiva Automate?

The goal of this post is to identify some practical things everyone could be doing, but probably don’t because the underlying data hasn’t been readily accessible.

Performance Testing

The speed of processing data in Nuix can vary dramatically based on hardware resources available, the profile of the data being processed, the settings selected, and the task being executed.

Rampiva Automate makes it easy to track all that information across all cases. This enables teams to leverage regression analysis to observe real performance patterns and isolate the key variables that determine processing speed.

Resource Planning

So, one of the coolest things we are seeing people exploring is using a metadata scan to measure volume by mimetype, lookup to the average throughput of that mimetype given a set of resource parameters and reporting back a more tightly scoped completion data.

This kind of thing isn’t a new concept for most teams, but they’ll have access to the data necessary to plan delivery schedules, workload, shifts, and more.

One of our favorite things to track is how many manual jobs are started after hours and on the weekend. It’s easy to burn-out in this industry, and teams that are invested in retention will look for ways to make sure their staff is taking time away from the work.


By calling back to the central database (usually a SQL or SQLite database), teams can compare the metrics from a specific Case to patterns across similar Cases. The results can then inform the order of operations in the Workflow or trigger a notification to the Case team.

This can be a helpful way to standardize an automated workflow across complex and disparate projects—or, help case teams and management filter “the signal from the noise.”

Data Re-use

Leveraging Rampiva’s Dashboards can make it easy to identify whether data for a specific Custodian from a defined date period and/or evidence source has already been processed, flagged as privileged, or produced in another matter.

This can help teams get eyes on potentially relevant data quickly to inform settlement decisions, argue against expanded scope of production, or avoid duplicate review work.

This can be an enormous source of new value for clients and would be very difficult without Rampiva’s Dashboards.

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