5 Questions Rampiva Baseline Helps You Answer 

Earlier this month, Rampiva released a free product for gathering, reporting and visualizing Nuix data processing activity in PowerBI. 

Interested departments can download Rampiva Baseline here: https://community.rampiva.com/t/getting-started/43 

They can also join an online Community where users can share ideas, ask questions, or collaborate on new metrics, visualizations or dashboards. 

This Community also includes a PowerBI model with customized Introductory Dashboards for Baseline users. 

So, why is this exciting?  

Well, because now you can answer questions about your data processing environment that you’ve likely not been able to answer before. 

Or, at least, it was time consuming. 

  1. How much work are you doing in Nuix? 

This question can be hard to answer without Baseline because each Nuix Case is a separate database. Also, the definition of “work” might vary depending on who is asking. Total Cases created? Operations ran? Volume loaded? Total volume processed?  

By automatically gathering comprehensive metrics, Baseline gives users the ability to tell the full story of how hard their team works. 

  1. Are you meeting deadlines? 

Deadlines matter – particularly with litigation events, although forensic investigations and incident response scenarios are also very time-sensitive. 

But, determining if you are on track to meeting the deadlines can be challenging, because every Case is different. The volume of data is different, the activity required to get it ready for review is different, and even the priority relative to other projects can be different. When the job arrives can even impact how quickly it actually gets done. 

Rampiva Baseline lets you track the actual duration of different activities, including specific “tranches” of data, from load to export. 

This lets your team track current performance and compare against historical trends. 

  1. Are you busier? Probably, right?  

It certainly feels like people are busier than ever. 

But when you’re advocating for budget and resources, feelings usually aren’t enough. Hard numbers that show a meaningful increase in workload over time, increased consumption of critical resources, and team members working late makes a much stronger case. 

Rampiva Baseline puts the power of business intelligence in your hands, updated automatically.  

  • You can show the increase in caseload and volume. 
  • You can show activity being executed late at night. 
  • You can show the trends. 
  1. Do you need more resources? 

This is always hard to estimate, because there might be an opportunity to use the resources you have more efficiently. And, actually sitting down to run the different scenarios can be time consuming. 

So, Rampiva Baseline puts together a user-driven Scenario, forecasting the resources required to support a growing workload in 5 years (and, the cost of acquiring those resources). 

We hope this is the first of many such scenarios. 

  1. Can automation help? 

Rampiva’s core product focuses on automating data processing and administering the integration with other systems. So, part of our goal with Baseline is to help users figure out whether our broader offering would be a valuable investment. 

So, there are points in Rampiva Baseline that call out where our clients often see significant gains from our Rampiva Automate product, such as: 

  • The standard number of operations that are run through a simple Rampiva Automate Workflow. Comparing this to your own activity may indicate that automating activity will help you adopt more advanced features, or chain together nuanced processing steps.  
  • The “real” balance between On-Shift and Off-Shift availability, relative to the amount of work your team does during those two periods. Typically, we see processing teams relying heavily on On-Shift hours, which means that investing in a 24/7 job processing queue would open up a lot of unused processing time after hours. 
  • The gap between the efficiency of your Nuix Workers and the standard efficiency when run through Rampiva. This is an easy win for clients – recovering Idle Time means more processing resources are available for the next job, and that the next job starts sooner. 
  • How much time your team spends clicking buttons in Nuix to move the Case forward. This will depend on the complexity of your workflow, but its probably between 30 minutes and 90 minutes. Per Tranche of data! With Rampiva Automate, this number drops to about 5 minutes.

If these sorts of operational gains seem helpful, Rampiva Baseline will help highlight that positive impact.  

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