5 Tricks for Analyzing Data with Rampiva Baseline 

Rampiva Baseline is a combination of three moving parts: 

  • The product, which allows you to gather operational data from Nuix Cases in your environment; 
  • The data, which can tell a great story about how your data processing activity; 
  • The dashboards in Power BI, an advanced business intelligence and visualization platform. 

Here are some ideas on how to align these moving pieces to get the best results: 

  1. Set Rampiva Baseline to run regularly 

You’re completely in control of whether the data you’re looking is updated daily, weekly, or monthly. There’s also logic built into Rampiva Baseline to ensure that its scans don’t interfere with regular access to Nuix Case. And, because Rampiva Baseline only looks at Cases that are new or have been modified since its last run, the more often you scan, the less time each scan will take.

So, do what’s right for your department – but, don’t be afraid to push for frequent updates.

  1. Learn to use Power BI’s “Filter” Pane 

This will help you focus on trends beyond the information presented out the gate.

For example, if you want to know what work is being done by a specific team member, drag “userId” to the “Filters on All Pages” section of any Dashboard and select the user you want to review. As long as you don’t share your logins for Nuix, you should be able to identify top contributors, or folks who need some extra training.

Similarly, if you want to know what types of operations are being run off-shift, draft the operationName field to the “Filters on this page” section of the “Operating Window” Dashboard. Select the operation you’re interested in and see the data change!

  1. Drill Down! Or Up! 

All of the charts and tables in Rampiva Baseline’s Dashboards have a “Date hierarchy” in place. If you hover over the chart, a series of icons will pop up. The icon of a forking arrow pointing down will split the data into smaller units, from year to month to day. The icon of a single arrow pointing up will aggregate the data into larger units, day to month to year.

This can be a great way of getting more granular with your analysis, or for tracking activity in just the past few days 

  1. Create your own Measures, Variables, and Dashboards 

Okay, this might be a bit more than just a “trick”, but users are encouraged to explore other ways to combine data or visualize trends beyond the material provided in the Introductory Dashboards.

Users can create new tabs and add their own graphics or tables, use Quick Measures or New Measures to perform new calculations on the base data, or even go into the PowerQuery to really expand their analysis.

To take it even further, you can add in other data sources such as Excel spreadsheet or connect PowerBI with other systems! 

  1. Join the Rampiva Community 

Click here: https://community.rampiva.com/

This is a great community of Rampiva Baseline users who are sharing ideas, asking questions, or brainstorming new ways to use this data. Rampiva team members and partners are active users, so come chat! 

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