Human Rights Policy


This policy outlines Rampiva’s commitment to respecting and promoting human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We adhere to national laws and regulations in each market in which we operate. Where we face conflicts between internationally recognized human rights and national laws, we will follow processes that seek ways to honor the principles of international human rights.

Any person having knowledge of a violation of the Human Rights Policy or the law should immediately report it to their manager, the HR manager, or Rampiva’s CEO.


This policy applies to all Rampiva employees, contractors, and affiliates. It also applies, as far as is reasonably achievable, to our upstream and downstream supply chain through partners, suppliers, and third-party contractors.


Ethical Business Conduct

As detailed in our Ethics Code, we are committed to the highest standards of business ethics which govern the conduct of our business operations.

Employee Rights and Fair Labor Practices

We believe all our employees deserve to be treated with integrity and respect. We promote a work environment of transparency and trust. We compensate our employees competitively and operate in compliance with applicable wages, work hours, overtime and benefits laws, and international labor standards.


We maintain a workplace that is free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, or any other status protected by applicable law. We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

We are committed to preventing and prohibiting forced labor of any kind, including all forms of modern-day slavery or human trafficking.

Child Labor

We do not engage in or condone the unlawful employment or exploitation of children.

Safe and Healthy Workplace

We provide a safe and healthy workplace and comply with applicable safety and health laws and regulations, as well as internal requirements. We work to provide and maintain a safe, healthy, and productive workplace, in consultation with our employees, by addressing and remediating identified risks of accidents, injury and health impacts.